Magento change store via url

In a multi store environment there is sometimes a need to change the store when the user clicks a link.
A “simple” way to do this is to pass the store along in the url (just add a “?___store=” either id or the store name, so for instance.

$stores = $category->getStoreIds();
echo '<p><a href="'. Mage::getUrl() . '?___store=' . end($stores). '">'.$category->getName()."</a></p>";

Magento: Send a email to store owner when a order is placed.

It is not hard to set up a Magento multi store environment so when a order is placed in a store, a owner (one owner per store) gets a order confirmation email.
Doing like this will give a copy of the mail that is sent to the customer, and that might not be nice – but this is quick.

In admin, select the store you wish to enter the email address to, and under system > config > sales > sales e-mail override the site default with the email address you would like for this store.

It is also possible to send copies of shipment notices, credit mails etc (basically all mail that is sent from the store).

[Tested with v1.3.2.4]