Pretend like a file in git has not been changed

In order to pretend like a file has not been changed since it was checked out from git (for instance to check in changes to a web.config file)

git update-index --assume-unchanged Web.config

And to undo this:

git update-index --assume-unchanged Web.config

Git replacing the editor for commit messages

The man page says

The editor used to edit the commit log message will be chosen from the GIT_EDITOR environment variable, the core.editor configuration variable, the VISUAL environment variable, or the EDITOR environment variable (in that order).

So in order to make nano our default editor we can do

git config --global core.editor "nano"

--global means this will become a default setting for all of git (leaving it out would only affect the current git repo you are running the command from)

git diff “old mode 100755 new mode 100644”

What git is trying to say here is that the mode of the files have changed, the content of the file is still the same.

If this is common and the filemodes are not important for this project we can simply tell git to ignore this.

Either by telling git to do this as default or only for this project.


git config core.filemode false

Only for this project edit .git/config

filemode = false

And in case we do need to check in single filemode changes the following works

git update-index --chmod=(+|-)x path/to/file

Git SSL certificate problem – how to turn off SSL validation for a repo

This will start out with an error such as the following:

$ git pull origin master
error: SSL certificate problem, verify that the CA cert is OK. Details:
error:14090086:SSL routines:SSL3_GET_SERVER_CERTIFICATE:certificate verify failed while accessing

If it is acceptable to turn off the SSL validation instead of actually solving the issue this will turn off validation for the current repo

git config --local http.sslVerify false

If you would rather have this as a default behaviour for git then the following will do it for all repos

git global --local http.sslVerify false

and for those that would rather add to the .git/config file directly the entry looks like

    sslVerify = false

Git: Fetch a (existing) remote repository to local repository

Lets say that there is an existing repository that we should pull the files from.

mkdir local-repo
cd local-repo
git init
git remote add origin user@server:remote-repo
git pull origin master

What is done here is

  • git init Initializes the directory as a git repository (creates .git directory and add needed files)
  • git remote add name url adds a remote repository with a name (origin) and url (user@server:remote-repo)
  • git pull name branch pull the existing content from the given brach (master)

The main difference bewteen this and creating a new remote repository is that no files are added and no initial commit is being made – since there is content in the remote repository we are joining.

reverting uncommeted files to the “original” sate (the state that is the last commited)

Sometimes we make attempts that go nowhere or simply edit the wrong file. When this happens it is nice to just “undo” what I did and revert the file back to the last good state (I assume the state I have gotten/pushed to is good).

I can revert the file to the latest version

git checkout -- the.file

Or I can revert it to the latest version from the HEAD revision

git checkout HEAD the.file

Or I could do it for the entire working tree

get reset --hard HEAD

.gitignore all build folders in any subdirectory

Lets say we want to add any and all folders called “build” regardless of where in the directory structure.
Git will by default check each file (and directory), adding limitations will limit when the pattern matches, so actually just typing what you wish to ignore is a global patter.

With git this would be done by adding the following to the .gitignore file

#ignore the folder called build anywhere, but not files called build

Also note that if the directory is already tracked in git, .gitignore will not affect that – it will remain tracked and changes can be committed etc.
Since this has a “/” at the end only directories would be matched – removing it would also make the pattern catch files with the same name.