C# MVC# create a URI from a Url.Action

Sometimes the need arises to create a URI object instead of just a link. This can be done by using Url.Action.

new Uri(Url.Action("action", "controller", null, Request.Url.Scheme))
public Uri(
	string uriString
public string Action(
	string actionName,
	string controllerName,
	Object routeValues,
	string protocol

Specifying what area an ActionLink should use

Using routevalues you can tell the html helper what area you want to create a action link to.

//create a link that will go to AreaName
Html.ActionLink("Link Text", "ActionName", "ControllerName", new { Area = "AreaName" }, new{})
//Default area (= no area)
Html.ActionLink("Link Text", "ActionName", "ControllerName", new { Area = "" }, new{})
//create a link that will go to AreaName and with some htmlAttributes
Html.ActionLink("Link Text", "ActionName", "ControllerName", new { Area = "AreaName" }, new{@class="myCssClass"})
public static MvcHtmlString ActionLink(
	string linkText,
	string actionName,
	string controllerName,
	RouteValueDictionary routeValues,
	IDictionary<string, Object> htmlAttributes

asp.net C# Url.Action with routevalues

Using routevales you can change area and/or pass parameters on to the link you wish to hit.

//"normal" Url.Action - creates a link in the area where it is called from (and don't pass any values along)
<a href="@Url.Action("action", "controller")" class="myCssClass">link text</a>
//Url.Action with a that links to another area (area name or empty for the default area); also sets the category to shoes and it passes along the id that this view has.
<a href="@Url.Action("action", "controller", new { Area = "", id = Model.id, category="shoes"})" class="myCssClass">link text</a>

MVC3 Getting the URI in a controller

If there is a need to get the URI that the was used to reach the controller then the Request holds that information and it can be retrieved to a URI object

public ActionResult MyAction()
    var uri = Request.Url;
    var port = uri.Port;
    var absoluteUri = uri.AbsoluteUri
    //... do things here
    return View();    