apt-get WARNING: The following packages cannot be authenticated!

apt-get is verifying the packages before installing them.
If the keys are not up to date, then apt-get upgrade will issue a warning.

WARNING: The following packages cannot be authenticated!
  ure uno-libs3
Install these packages without verification [y/N]?

The way to solve this is rather simple, just run apt-get update and it should download the keys automatically.

apt-key handles keys, using apt-key list will show you the keys that are on the computer.

One thought on “apt-get WARNING: The following packages cannot be authenticated!

  1. Thanks — that was helpful. Thanks for putting this post up.

    I got a message similar to this on boo in kubuntu lucid. The systemtray package watcher tried to upgrade before update — apparently — and a manual inspection of #apt-get install packagename issued same keyring error. Simply doing:
    # apt-get update then issuing the previous install command fixed it.

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