Magento: Failed to download package X within preferred state “stable”, latest release is version 0.4, stability “alpha” (or “beta”), use “channel://…

If you do not wish to move your entire server to use alpha mode (or beta) but keep the mainline in stable, but still wish to install the actual package; you just
enter the information from channel and on and the plug in will install.

$:/var/www/magento$ ./pear install magento-community/Florent_Piwik
Failed to download magento-community/Florent_Piwik within preferred state "stable", latest release is version 0.4, stability "alpha", use "channel://" to install
install failed
$/var/www/magento$ ./pear install channel://
downloading Florent_Piwik-0.4.tgz ...
Starting to download Florent_Piwik-0.4.tgz (4,163 bytes)
.....done: 4,163 bytes
install ok: channel://