Synergy (and autostarting it for linux)

Synergy is a nice software. It shares the keyboard and mouse (and clipboard) over several computers.

Setting it up is not hard and the manual  on autostarting it is very nice (

The default for Debian (lenny)  is gdm; and now comes how to set it up there:

A tip: Before you start editing these files, test synergy from a console to test that it is working correctly, and figure out what options you need.

  • Edit “/etc/gdm/Init/Default”
     /usr/bin/killall synergyc 
    sleep 1 
    /usr/bin/synergyc [<options>] synergy-server-hostname
  • Edit “/etc/gdm/PostLogin/Default”
     /usr/bin/killall synergyc 
    sleep 1
  • Edit “/etc/gdm/Xsession”
     /usr/bin/killall synergyc 
    sleep 1 
    /usr/bin/synergyc [<options>] synergy-server-hostname